Keratosis Pilaris Diagnosis, Treatment
Keratosis Pilaris Diagnosis
A dermatologist diagnoses keratosis pilaris (KP) based on the appearance of the skin.
Keratosis Pilaris Treatment
Thus far, physicians have not developed curative treatments for KP. Gently rubbing off the top layer of skin with a loofah sponge flattens the papules. Fruit acid creams (e.g., salicylic acid) are sometimes effective in unplugging the follicles. Certain prescription medication, such as those used for blackheads and acne, may be helpful as well.
Keratosis Pilaris Prevention
The condition cannot be prevented because its underlying cause is genetic. However, very gentle rubbing with a loofah sponge and periodically applying fruit acid creams to keep the follicle openings clear can improve appearance.
Physician-developed and -monitored.
Original Date of Publication: 01 Sep 2000
Reviewed by: Stanley J. Swierzewski, III, M.D.
Last Reviewed: 04 Dec 2007
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